RSVP for The Ultimate Medicare Workshop!
Prefer One-on-One in Office or Video Screen Share Appointment?
The Ultimate Medicare Workshop
The Ultimate Medicare Workshop is just that, "Ultimate". This workshop will walk you through step-by-step, in a clear and concise format that will educate you on the complete medicare process. You will not only completely understand the process of enrolling in Medicare, but will be confident in knowing how each component effects your personal situation.
What You Receive
Avoid worrying about Medicare and reserve your Free spot in “The Ultimate Medicare Workshop” Now! Find Local Workshops or choose our Online Medicare Workshop.
Our Mission Medicare Planning
To fully educate attendees on Medicare. This includes how to enroll for Medicare, expected timelines, complete understanding of Original Medicare and the coverage it offers, how different type of plans work with Original Medicare, factors to consider when choosing a plan, and how to get the most out of your Medicare for your money.
We are Medicare educators first and Medicare advisors second. At our workshop, not only will you learn about Medicare, but you will gain insight into the most important questions, what, why, and how? Our mission, our focus, and our business are Medicare.
Why We Do Workshops:
We have been educating seniors on Medicare for over a decade on a one-to-one format with excellent results for everyone involved. In the last couple of years, we have come across more and more people who have attended various Medicare workshops and all of them had the same two complaints.
The company presenting the workshop seemed to be more interested in financial products they could sell after the fact and appeared to only use Medicare as a lead generator.
The presenter was simply regurgitating information available on the Medicare website, and offered little to no in-depth explanation as to the what, why, and how
We are Medicare educators first and Medicare advisors second. At our workshop, not only will you learn about Medicare, but you will gain insight into the most important questions, what, why, and how? Our mission, our focus, and our business are Medicare.
What People Say About Us